Frequently Asked Questions

This is the FAQ page. Here you can get the answers of questions, that are frequently asked by users of our site.

It's simple! Simply open the official YTMonster Client, which is found under the client tab. Once the client, is opened simply click "Start" and you're good to go. Hereafter the processes will begin automatically, and you're able to leave the program running in the background, while credits are being earned for you.

We have also implemented a referral system, that allows you to refer people and receive 15% of their credit earnings, and 15 credits instantly when they sign up.

When you are logged in, you will be able to find a link called "Add Request" in the sidebar. On this page you will be able to select your desired type of request, the amount and other settings and information, in case it is needed.

Yes, it can. If one of your videos got stuck, continue sending full retention views and it will be unlocked in less than 48 hours.

Views do not update in realtime. Please make sure to wait 24-72 hours, before contacting us as they should update in that timespan.

Subscribers do not update in realtime. Please make sure to wait 24-72 hours, before contacting us as they should update in that timespan.

The main reason is the fact that a lot of users use low input retention this resulting in low quality views which won't get approved by YouTube's checking algorithms. We advice to input as retention time at least 70% of the total video legth in seconds.

Also please make sure you wait 24-72 hours after your videos has been marked as completed, to ensure that the views have actually been removed, as views do tend to fluctate in this period.

The Temporary Price Surge is a system put in place to help clear up the backlogs in the system, if a lot of requests are added to the system in a short timespan. This is put in place, so requests can be completed in a timely manner as it will easen up on the backlog due to fewer requests being added while its there. You can still submit requests while it is there, but you will be charged more credits for it.

A temporary price surge will last until there has been easened up enough on the backlog for the system to continue to function with normal speeds.

This page is updated frequently with new questions being answered to cut down on contact requests, that you can have an immediate answer on.